The SNAP Blog
This is it, folks. A forum for discussion about SNAP and the community of people we hope to bring together. There are several different communities of people who will be involved in this project in some way. There's the six of us who started SNAP back in February. There's the hundred-odd interns who we hope to put in the field next summer. There's the donors. There's the candidates and campaigns. All of these people are going to make this thing happen. We are only loosely affiliated. Even the students who form the core of this organization are scattered accross various college campuses.
This is why the internet is great - because communities like this one exist despite geographical boundaries. We may not live in the same place, but we are united by the common goal and purpose of harnessing the passion of young poeple to take back the congress, and turn the country around.
This is why the internet is great - because communities like this one exist despite geographical boundaries. We may not live in the same place, but we are united by the common goal and purpose of harnessing the passion of young poeple to take back the congress, and turn the country around.
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