SNAP featured in The Nation

Some highlights:
SNAP has emerged as one of the more innovative and influential progressive organizations on American campuses. Beyond the assistance it is providing in the November elections, SNAP is playing an important role in shaping the future of the progressive movement. With its grassroots approach to electoral politics, SNAP is not only bridging the often-stark ideological divide between radical activists and pragmatic College Democrats on campus; it is providing a model for how to bring genuine political power to students.It's nice to see so many people's hard work paying off. To keep the SNAP momentum going, please consider making a contribution.
SNAP's commitment, intellectual seriousness and willingness to forgo immediate gratification have drawn praise from many of the political strategists and candidates they've worked with. Sherrod Brown says he marveled at their "energy and passion," calling their work "vital to sustaining and strengthening the grassroots progressive movement."
After the elections SNAP will continue to fundraise and expand to more schools across the country. Malsin hopes it will eventually grow into "something like a national youth caucus--a unified progressive youth voice with power." A year ago SNAP couldn't get anyone to return phone calls; today campaigns across the country are begging the group for endorsements. "They want us," says Malsin. "We set out to build power, and now we've got it." SNAP believes that by 2008, its endorsement of a presidential candidate will be "a significant thing in politics."