New Haven Fundraiser a Success

Lamont told the grassroots story of his campaign, starting with an informal gathering of activists at New Haven's own Naples pizza. As he pointed out at the event, if there was an open question regarding the efficacy or realism of grassroots activism, the Lamont campaign has gone a long way towards putting it to rest.

To go the rest of the way, SNAP intends to work with Lamont and others to field the organizers that always make or break close elections. Over the next month, we will continue to send hundreds of students to knock on doors around the state, advocating for progressive change and ensuring that nobody is misled into believing his or her vote doesn't count. Transportation costs money, though -- so if you recognize the vitality of this cause, please consider making a contribution. We're entering the homestretch now -- with a final sprint, new Congressional majorities in 2006 are right around the corner.
So if you made it out to the New Haven event, thanks for your support! And either way, we hope to see you next time.
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