SNAP on the Web
Along with today's DailyKos diary, SNAP is highlighted over on Peter Rothberg's blog at The Nation's site:
Fortunately, despite the best efforts of their government, students are indeed protesting, organizing and causing trouble. Don't buy into the nonsense you hear regularly about the lack on consciousness on the part of today's students. The fact is that students today are, on the whole, far more active, organized and sophisticated politically than earlier generations...Take a group like Students for a New American Politics (SNAP PAC). SNAP, a federal PAC, provides stipends for students who couldn't otherwise afford the low salaries to work as full-time grassroots organizers on progressive Congressional campaigns for 10 to 12 weeks during the upcoming summer of 2006. A student conceived and run organization, SNAP brings the energy and enthusiasm needed to promote democratic participation in the Democratic Party, if that's still possible, and to strengthen the progressive voice in Washington.
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