
Joe Trippi

I have had a minor obsession with the blogosphere for about a year, but I didn't really get religion about the potential for the internet to revitalize the domecratic process in this country until I read the book The Revolution Will Not be Televised: The Internet, Democracy, and the Overthrow of Everything. by Joe Trippi. Even when I was volunteering for the Dean Campaign, going to the meetups, thinking I understood the whole thing, I just didn't get it.

Trippi's book made me realize that the internet is where the action is. It helped me realize that a static website is not good enough, and that even in a relatively small organization like this one, there needs to be a dialogue amongst the supporters, organizers, friends, and campaigns that we strive to bring together. It's about dialogue, community, transparency, and placing trust in a bottom up, democratic campaign structure.

I'll write a lot more on these themes in this blog, but for now, thanks Joe, for helping me to get it.