
"We All Live in Richard Pombo's District"

Here's a brilliant piece from kid oakland explaining precisely why we need a democratic congress.

One of the reasons that Manhattan and Austin and Madison and Santa Monica are such "hot beds" of liberal campaigns and causes is that we already have good representation in Congress. I mean, if we all lived in Richard Pombo's district the first thing we'd all do is work to kick the bastard out. Well, as true as that may be, I've got some bad news:

We all live in Richard Pombo's district.

As long as the GOP holds the House of Representatives it's as if guys like Richard Pombo and Tom DeLay are in our backyards having a barbeque with their cronies. Polluting the air. Gutting environmental regulation. Putting a steady stream of pro-corporate, anti-gay, anti-woman legislation before the nation. As it stands, there's nothing we can do about it. They own the House, and as long as they do, everything else we do politically in this country is like putting a band-aid on an artery.

I urge you to read the whole thing. Later on in the essay, he talks about how progressives from safe Democratic districts need to innovate and help take back the swing districts. I would suggest that SNAPPAC is just such an innovation.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pointer -- this is now up on Jerry McNerney's weblog.

3:06 PM  

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